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failure updates
Any questions don't hesitate to email me:
fursuit archive mirror is available here
2003-03-17: major system failure, configuration problem prevented server to reboot
2003-03-18: only solution accepted by the hosting site where the server is , was to restore a fresh blank system.
system restaured to default blank install
basic configuration in progress
user datas and other datas are beeing transferred back to the new server.
users homepages expected to be back in 8-9 hours
new HD file system corruption
ticket logged, waiting for check
New HD filesystem, had incorrect size information => corrected
restore restarted.
Users homepages should be back, don't hesitate to contact me if you see anything unusual and not working
(Until the restore is completed access to the server for update is off)
fursuit archive back online.
User accounts are available again.
If you can't connect or there are any other problems contact me.
most of the services should be back to normal now
Databases, stream servers and a few other things are not back online yet...
Server will go down for a few minutes today , the time to remove the backup HD.
mysql DB back online,
backup HD has been removed
and they charged $80 , weeehhhh
postgresql DB is back and so are the forums.
MPEG4 Streaming server back